James Griffing, MS, BS

TenReps Exercise Professional's Club, President

  • MS Kinesiology
  • BS Exercise Science
  • Former Mr Kansas
  • Principal & Author of ExRx.net
  • President of TenReps.com
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James Griffing has over 40 years experience in the field of exercise & fitness; as a former Mr Kansas, university kinesiology instructor, fitness director, collegiate strength & conditioning coach, trainer, exercise science author, and fitness consultant. 

In the early years, James began his professional career at the McPherson YMCA at 17 years of age teaching weight training to adult members. In college, he trained under Coach Jerry Palmeri (former Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the New York Giants) as an Assistant Strength Coach. James also competed in the NPC Men’s National Bodybuilding Championships after winning the Kansas Bodybuilding Championships (heavyweight & overall). Soon after, he earned both a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and a master's degree in Kinesiology from Kansas State University. At KSU, he instructed 'Practicum In Fitness Settings' (KIN520) for 3.5 years (7 semesters) training and supervising Exercise Science students in both community and corporate fitness settings.

James is the chief author and founder of ExRx.net, a resource for exercise professionals and fitness enthusiasts, online since 1999. He started ExRx.net as a philanthropy to share his knowledge with others. The venture soon transformed into a business after partnering with Human Kinetics Publishing and later BSDI and VHI as an official reseller. Although ExRx.net business model has since changed and has only introduced premium subscription content in 2022, most of the content and tools continue to be offered at no cost to users world wide.

Many professional organizations have endorsed ExRx.net including leading certifying organizations (eg: ACSM, NSCA, etc), universities and schools, government and law enforcement agencies, medical institutions, private organizations, and publications (Fitness Management, The New Yorker). His resources and tools have also been used by Universities, NYPD, Human Kinetics Publishing, ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, US Dept of Defense, and The Army Physical Fitness Research Institute. Wyle Laboratories consulted with him when they were contracted to upgrade the NASA Astronaut Fitness Manual. James has also collaborated with classmates Dr Lon Kilgore (co-author of Starting Strength, first & second editions) and the late Glen Pendley (Former Jr World Powerlifting Champion & distinguished Olympic-style weightlifting coach) in addition to other influential experts such as John Beradri (founder of Precision Nutrition).
In addition to his duties as Principal of ExRx.net, James serves as President of TenReps.com Online Exercise Club and consults companies on occasion.

Professional Endorsements

Organizations recommending ExRx.net, the popular web resource for exercise professionals and fitness enthusiasts, created by James Griffing:
Certifying Organizations
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA):
    • Authorized CEU provider
  • Precision Nutrition
  • MovNat
  • Australian College of Sport & Fitness
  • US Department of Defense
  • The Army Physical Fitness Research Institute
  • Columbia University
  • Purdue University
  • University of Houston
  • University of Akron
  • Washington State University
  • Western Washington University
  • Xavier College (Melbourne, Australia)
  • Wiltshire College (England, United Kingdom)
  • San Diego Mesa College
  • University of Missouri, Columbia
  • Kansas State University
  • California State University, Chico
  • The American Board of Family Practice (ABFP)
    • Granted ABFP permission to link ExEx.net Food Exchange Calculator on the ABFP website as part of their certification program for family physicians.
  • Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Nutrition Clinic (Oakland, CA)
Fitness Management Magazine
  • ExRx.net health screening and fitness assessment tools were featured in a publication article entitled, "Pre-”Participate Health and Fitness Assessment".

Publication Grants

New York Police Department (NYPD)
  • Granted NYPD permission to administer ‘Exercise Readiness Questionnaire’ to screen their staff.
ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal
  • Granted permission to link to our content and publish ExRx.net exercise instruction videos in online articles. 
Human Kinetics
  • Granted Human Kinetics permission to republish 'Food Portion Guidelines'.
Consortium for Infant and Child Health (CINCH)
  • Granted CINCH permission to republish ‘Childhood and Teenage Obesity: Intervention Strategies’.